I love being on set, it’s my happy place. In today’s digital age of filmmaking, your learn to wear a lot of hats, and I’ve developed the skills needed to Direct, DP, and Produce projects both large and small.

If I had to choose just one thing to do on a production, it would be directing. Guiding the creative of a project from start to finish is something special. You get live with the story, see it evolve, and help guide it through the process to become the best possible film it can be. I love working with actors to find compelling performances that serve the story. I’m also very tech savvy, so getting to get my hands on all of the various technical sides of filmmaking along side the crew is a joy. I’ve been fortunate to direct all kinds of projects, including Feature Films, Commercials, Documentaries, Branded Content, and Social Content.

My journey into the world of film and video creation started when I picked up my dad’s camcorder at age 13, and I’ve practically had a camera in my hands every since. Today I regularly work as a cinematographer, often on projects that I’m directing as well, but I also enjoy collaborating with other directors on their projects. I’ve had the privilege to shoot projects for Oscar winner Joel Harlow, and Oscar nominee Kathleen Quinlan, as well as dozens of projects for major brands and studios.
I’m what you would call a gear nerd, and love keeping up with all of the latest cinema cameras, lenses, lighting, and support equipment, which helps me bring a modern and dynamic look to my projects. I own a small arsenal of my own gear, which is available to rent on Sharegrid, including a Red Komodo, Atlas Orion Anamorphic lenses, DZO Pictor zoom lenses, a Fuji XH2-S stills &motion camera, and a variety of support gear including gimbals, drones, and lighting. I’m also an FAA Part 107 licensed Drone Pilot.

Somebody needs to make sure a project runs smoothly, and it might as well be me. I have experiencing getting projects off the ground, creating and tracking budgets, hiring crew, coordinating with clients and agencies, planning film festival campaigns and finding distribution, and all around just making sure the wheels don’t come off while we deliver on time and under budget.